Georges Flanet

Or chromatic power in homage to pictorial art

Since he came to live and working Saint Tropez, his works have considerably evolved towards an obvious maturity of expression. The artist has a relevant and deliberately controlled pictorial technique just like the many past masters who came to stroll along the country lanes in the shadow of the Maures hills. This style, with a very dense colourist inspiration, is now pushed to his paroxysm such are the chromatic contrasts displayed by the artist who carries them to the extreme through the outrageous use of pure color. He conjugates all the dynamic facets of his talent with joyous ease as if to prove, with each canvas he paints, his deep-seated devotion to painting and artistic creation. The successive touches of script which characterise his works, are combined with a divisionist construction of coloured volumes to give magnified and wonderfully plastic effects. His landscapes have an enchanting aestheticism and a prospective structural design, which constantly add weight to the evidence of his creative spirit, overflowing with enthusiasm. To contemplate a work by Georges Flanet is to be absolutely sure that onc's every sense is exalted by the unique power recalled by handsome paintings.

The expert's opinion

Georges Flanet paints in the same way as Arthur Rimbaud wrote.
" A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue : voyelles"
His classification stands firm and continues to climb, to the delight of discerning collectors.

1999 classification using current market prices: 800 FF

(From 4 to 40 points excluding frames. Below and above, the value is open, it is left to the artist's appreciation).


Drawn up in Marseille in France on march 15 th 1999, after examining, researching and consulting the biography and work.

M. Christian Sorriano
Expert in antiques and objects d'art.
Expert and assessor on the customs arbitration and expert appraisal committee.
Member of the french union of expert (U.F.E.)
Member of the international union of experts (U.I.E.)

M. Christian SORRIANO
Expert Agrée
197, rue Paradis
13006 Marseille  FRANCE